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FilWip is a disk clean-up utility that helps you keep your BFS volume free of unnecessary data. This includes caches, logs, temporary files, cookies and the like that accumulate over time.

FilWip has an easy to use GUI and full command-line support. FilWip is the successor of the BeOS Clean-Up Manager. It fixes several long standing issues and can be customized to include or exclude data to be cleaned as per your requirements.

FilWip was written by me, Ramshankar (aka Teknomancer) some time during 2002. I don’t intend to improve it any further as I think it satisfies its intended purpose. Adaptations for Haiku are welcome in the form of patches as long as its compatible with the license.


FilWip is open source software published under its own license. I’m not sure why I did this back then, but I might just re-publish them eventually under BSD 3-clause license.

Source code

Shortly after I open-sourced FilWip, it was forked and ported to Haiku. Thus there are two variants of FilWip — my original sources (only works on BeOS) and the port (only works on Haiku).


The original source is only available in the BeOS pkg file which you can find as a zip file under Downloads.

Haiku port

The awesome Haiku community have ported FilWip to Haiku. The source code for the Haiku port is available at FilWip’s GitHub repository.

The Haiku port of FilWip has been modified significantly, simplifying some advanced options as well as bug fixes, improvement and adaptations for Haiku. However, if you are still interested in getting the original BeOS source other than unpacking it from the pkg file, you can look at the initial commit of the Haiku port which I believe should be identical to what’s in the pkg file.